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Negotiating bank in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2021-01-02Updated:2021-01-02
Similar words: negotiatingnegotiationrenegotiationremitting bankdiplomatic negotiationsnegotiatenegotiatorrenegotiate
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1 Negotiating bank must imperatively confirm , that amount of negotiation has been endorsed on reverse of original credit otherwise drawing amount will not be honoured.
2 C-the negotiating bank should confirm on their covering schedule that all charges of advising bank have been prepaid.
3 At beneficiary's request negotiating bank may add their confirmation to this credit provided confirmation charges are for beneficiary's account.
4 Which amount the negotiating bank must authorize us to pay to them.
5 Negotiating bank must confirm on the docs covering schedule that all charges of the advising bank have been paid.
6 Should the Negotiating Bank not be advised of stopping renewal within seven (7) days after each negotiation,( the unused balance of this credit shall be increased to the original amount.
7 Beneficiary's credit report issued the negotiating bank must accompany the original set of the shipping documents.
8 The Negotiating Bank is authorized to negotiate the usance drafts at sight for the face amount.
9 When a negotiating bank makes payment to an exporter, it is really extending an advance against foreign collections.
10 Beneficiary's draft is negotiable at sight by the negotiating bank.
11 The issuing bank check, after payment to the negotiating bank.
12 Assuming all of the documents are in order, the issuing bank will issue a banker's acceptance to the negotiating bank guaranteeing payment at a future point.
14 If this LC is negotiated by a bank other than the advising bank the negotiating bank is to certify on covering schedule that advising bank charges are paid.
15 On shipment , the exporter presents the shipping documents to his advising bank(or the negotiating bank)with the request for payment in accordance with the payment terms.
16 When the seller gets the accepted draft, he can either hold it to maturity or discount it with the negotiating bank.
17 On receipt of draft and documents of negotiation (Drawn in compliance with the credit)we will reimburse negotiating Bank by telegraphically remitting funds as instructed.
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